Mary Roberts

Hi! I’m Mary Roberts, the Mad Dog Math teacher. In my career as an educator,  I have been a teacher and an administrator, working in both public and private schools. I taught third and fifth grade, and served as an elementary and middle school principal and high school assistant principal. As an administrator, my chief tasks were evaluating and mentoring teachers, and selecting and coordinating curriculum from kindergarten through high school. In addition, I have tutored students of all grades on an individual basis for a number of years.

It is an honor that my dear friend, Julie Kotoff, the creator, developer, and teacher of the Mad Dog Math Program, selected me to assume her role teaching Mad Dog Math. Julie and I taught together for four years many years ago and have been the best of friends ever since. After teaching Mad Dog Math classes, as well as using the program one-on-one with students, I believe Mad Dog Math is one of the best tools for developing a strong math foundation for students of all ages.

On a personal note, my husband Jeff and I enjoy paddle boarding year round. We are blessed with three grown children, a daughter-in-law, a son-in-law, and a precious granddaughter. Our Pyrador, Yuki, and Great Pyrenees, Yoshi, complete our family.

Approved vendor with the following charter schools:
- Scale Leadership Academy
- Sage Oak Charter Schools
- Excel Academy Charter School
- Granite Mountain Charter School
- Blue Ridge Academy
- Cabrillo Point Academy
- Pacific Coast Academy
- Sky Mountain Charter School
- Suncoast Preparatory Academy
- Golden Valley Charter School

My classes are non-sectarian and are available to the public with the ability to pay ‘out of pocket.’
There is an annual student fee for all students taking classes at Pacific Coast Learning Center. Some charter schools allow for this fee to be added to the cost of classes rather than being paid out-of-pocket by parents. If your charter agrees, you may add $325 per year ($162.50 per semester) to your purchase order to cover student fees. You may select this option when you register for the class.